Why Fintool


Fintool is an AI financial analyst. It is trained to help you screen, research, and monitor public companies. Think about Fintool as your research assistant, who is available 24/7 to answer complex questions on SEC filings, earnings call transcripts, or financial data.

Data sources

EDGAR: the whole SEC database is updated in real-time. Find all 10-K, 8-K, Form-4, S-1, Proxy Statements, 20-F and more.

Earnings and conference transcripts: all the transcripts are available few hours after the end of the call or the conference.

Financial data: ask Fintool about any ratios, adjusted EBITDA, debt positions or any other financial metrics. Fintool has access to the most up-to-date financial data.


Fast: Fintool helps you retrieve any information in filings and transcripts in seconds. No more typing keywords in a search engine, clicking on 10 blue links, and then control-F'ing endlessly. Fintool is a research assistant who works for you!

“I'm a portfolio manager and my team has been successfully using fintool. It's great for qualitative research on companies and coming up to speed quickly. Can also pull out some key information from calls that would otherwise take some digging. I'm excited to continue using it as I can see how it's only going to get more powerful with time.“
Steve R, Portfolio Manager at Basil Street Management

Accurate: Fintool is designed to provide verifiable information in filings. ChatGPT hallucinates; Fintool is precise. It shows you the exact documents it draws from and it s easy to pull up the primary source within the platform.

“A crucial aspect that sets Fintool apart from other AI tools is that all of its information is verifiable and originates from reliable sources, rather than being fabricated“
Thinkcell Wang, CFA, CIO at Guangdong Securities

Best in class: Customers have named Fintool the best AI chat solution, far outpacing incumbents.

“I am impressed with Fintool, a first mover in the financial/investment related AI chatbot space, far outpacing incumbent behemoths like Bloomberg.”
Ana Anderson, Investment Manager at Dumac

Use cases

Screening: ask Fintool to screen companies based on their industry, P/E ratio, or financial metrics, such as revenue, net income, or market capitalization.

Researching: Fintool provides detailed information on companies, including financial statements, executive compensation, transcript summary, or filings comparison.

Monitoring: Fintool monitors your portfolio by summarizing new filings and alerting you on any changes in your investment thesis.


Buy-side: Fintool helps you screen companies, research investment ideas, and monitor your portfolio.

Sell-side: Fintool helps you stay ahead of the curve when it comes to writing reports, or summarizing earnings transcripts.

Corporate: Fintool aids in analyzing disclosure practices among peers, benchmarking against competitors, and grasping the nuances of market competition.


Database: Fintool has real-time data pipelines that ensures the data is always up and structured in a way that is easy to search and retrieve for large language models.

Search: Fintool has a proprietary search engine that feeds accurate information to the language model. This ensures that the answers are always accurate and up to date.

LLM: Fintool is LLM agnostic meaning we use the best LLM model for the job. This ensures you always benefit from the latest and greatest in AI technology.